Help give children the computers they need
The School Year is Coming to an End, but we Still Lack Computers
May, 2020 Lithuanian Press, Lithuania (translated by Daina Siliunas)
Due to the unexpected quarantine of the world and Lithuania, the lives of all of us moved to a virtual space and at the same time brought various shortcomings to the surface. One of these touched as many as 35,000 Lithuanian students living with financial hardships. These Lithuanian students did not have the means to study remotely. The Lithuanian Children’s Fund in Vilnius, Lithuania, has decided to try to improve this situation and is inviting everyone to donate so that we can give children the computers they need to allow them the opportunity to study. With the help of “Saulute”, Sunlight Orphan (Children’s) Aid for Lithuania, a loyal supporter of the Lithuanian Children’s Fund, in Vilnius, Lithuania, decided to collect donations and purchase computers for these children. To date 66 computers purchased by Saulute have been donated. One computer was also donated by a young man the Lithuanian Children’s Fund has supported in the past. Now as an adult he is doing well, however he remembers the days when he himself need help.
At the moment, we would like to purchase at least 17 more computers. Originally, when we received the donated money from Saulute we thought we could by 50 computers, however the originally quoted price had increased by 20% and we were only able to purchase 33 laptops. Now to purchase the remaining 17 computers we need to raise 8,010 euros.
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